
LearningthealphabetusingABCletterflashcardsisafavouriteactivityformanyteachersandparents.NowyoucanhavetheFlashcards ...,評分4.6(2,976)·免費·AndroidQuick,Fun&EasyWaystoLearntheEnglishAlphabet.*TheBestABCEducationalApp*ABCFlashcardsisafreephonicsandalphabetteachingapp.,供應中評分4.7(121)Thiscardpackincludes36beautifullyillustratedlettersoundcardsforteacherstousewithawholeorsmallgroupwhenteac...

App Store 上的《ABC Flash Cards》

Learning the alphabet using ABC letter flash cards is a favourite activity for many teachers and parents. Now you can have the Flash cards ...

ABC Flashcards Games

評分 4.6 (2,976) · 免費 · Android Quick, Fun & Easy Ways to Learn the English Alphabet. * The Best ABC Educational App * ABC Flashcards is a free phonics and alphabet teaching app.

ABC Letter Cards

供應中 評分 4.7 (121) This card pack includes 36 beautifully illustrated letter sound cards for teachers to use with a whole or small group when teaching the Letter ...

Uppercase Alphabet Flashcards

These simple uppercase alphabet cards with large, clear letters are great for alphabet activities and songs! Contains 26 Cards: A-Z.

Alphabet Flash Cards

Alphabet Flash Cards for Kids, Early Learning First Word Cards for Preschool Children and Toddlers, Teach ABC Letters, English Words, Uppercase and Lowercase.

Free customizable alphabet flashcard templates

Add a pop of color to study sessions with these fun alphabet flashcard templates. Customize your own designs and create flashcards that your students will love.

Alphabet Flashcards - Teach A-Z

Large colorful Alphabet flashcards for kindergarten & preschool! A-Z flashcards in upper and lowercase with free phonics chart.

Alphabet Flash Cards (FREE printable)

Jul 8, 2024 - Use our free printable alphabet flash cards to help young learners master uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Free alphabet flash cards

This is a set of colorful flashcards for games and activities for preschool pre-K and Kindergarten children. Great for ESL and special ed.

Free alphabet flashcards for kids

Help children learn the alphabet with these free printable alphabet flashcards. Introduce letters, phonic sounds and basic words.